Dad and Marny Get Roxy Beaton

Another entry today in the "Dad and Animals" category 

February 1, 2009, 6:00pm - Sent from

Hi all

This by means of an introduction.

My name is Roxy. I was recently adopted by Roderick and Marny Beaton. Roderick sez that since I am part Retriever, and since they are close relatives to the Nova Scotia "Troller" Retriever, that my middle name should be Roxy Troller. My other part is Chow, thus explaining my part-colored tongue. We have been down to the beach a few times, and I had no idea that water could be so much fun, or that the Gulls and Ducks enjoyed me chasing them soooo much! 

I am a good house dog, but have to also live on the leash during the day. I am a bit of a houdini so Roderick has had to use chains and wire to keep me in the yard. A new fence is in the works. Marny's little smarty has a space for me in the back with a safety grid. On the way home from the SPCA, she talked to me ALL THE WAY, and kept me calm. I love her and keep her always in sight. Roderick has also made a space for me in the back of the truck and we went yesterday and tried it out, then to church today and up to a snowy field for a good romp. I'm really good in the house and quite quiet except when I get surprised, but I don't bark much.... just a woof now and then, to let every one know I'm a real dog!

Last Friday I got my cone head off and my stitches taken out at the vet, my first bath, and flea treatment. 

I like cheese. An' bones, an' biscuits. I'm a bit underweight after having two litters in rapid succession, so some extra treats are just what the doctor ordered! They even said to give me extra fat in my meal! Life has taken a good turn. I am happy.

-roxy troller