Dad's 65th Birthday - From Jacob

Hi Everyone, I posted this on my Facebook profile this morning, here it is if you'd like to read my thoughts about Dad on his birthday. Love, Jacob.

It would have been Dad Roderick McKye Iain Beaton's 65th birthday today. Still so young, he is deeply missed. He never made a deal out of his birthday when we were growing up, to the point where I didn't actually memorize his birth date until I was an adult, and later put it on my iCal!

He was always a difficult person to buy presents for, but I also enjoyed making or buying a present for him as a kid because no matter what he always seemed to enjoy it. If he was ever shocked or disappointed, I don't remember it. I made him an ugly candle holder in metal work class, and he faithfully used it for years in the kitchen. I used some of my savings to buy him a solar-powered-hat-fan one year, even though he didn't wear hats - but I remember him grinning ear to ear, thanking me, and wearing that hat around for days. There was a tomato phone, a phone shaped like a tomato, that was expensive so I bought it as a joint present for him and mom together. It was uncomfortable to use and had a high pitch ring, but he put it in their bedroom, on his side of the bed on the nightstand.

On the flip side, Dad ALWAYS made sure to make a big deal out of our birthdays! When we were little he was often the baker, making custom cakes based on whatever our fixation was that year. A belly-button cake for Jonathan. A unicorn or horse cake for Rebekah. He'd try and keep the cake a bit of a secret, so there'd be a big unveil with candles and singing. Of the few photos we still have from our childhoods, there's a couple of each of us in front of a custom dad cake with candles on top.

I sometimes think what Dad would be doing if he was still alive - and the answer is always obvious. He'd be helping and loving people unconditionally (both adults and kids), and he'd probably have another rescued dog in his care. He'd still be broke because, well, he was never about money, and giving his time to his family and community was always more important than making extra bucks. He said more than a couple times "Jacob, the biggest lesson I've learned over the years is to say nine times more positive things to people than negative."

Happy birthday Dad.

3 responses
I loved and was truly touched to have a birthday cake at work from your Dad, best icing ever! What a great musical talent, incredible multi-tasker, who always tried hard in everything he did. Some imperfections but who is perfect, and when he was happy he helped make everyone happy!
I want to send an uncle's love to each of you (Jacob, Rebekah, Jonathan & Sophia) AND to your beloved wives/husbands and children on what would have been my brother's 65th birthday. Uncle Bryan
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Jacob for creating this beautiful, loving, true tribute. 16 January has been carved into my consciousness since childhood. As each new year began, I have always watched as 9 January (Ruth's/Emily's birthday) and 16 January (Ian's/Roderick's birthday) approached. This year, I came to our shared Facebook page a day ahead of my brother's birthday, but found myself 'speechless'. I had the same page open (yesterday, here in India - still 'today' there in BC), but couldn't put my feelings into words. Do I speak about Roderick? Do I speak 'to' him? You did both, Jacob, beautifully. Love to all who loved Roderick - to all who read this. Bryan