Diary from Nov 16/ 87

Nov 16/ 87

A couple “simple” things happened today that precipitated this writing. We ran out of stamps and Sophia greeted me with a cheery “Hi dad.” This, the last child, 1 1/2 yrs old and so aware already is sure of her world and dad’s a part of it. The stamp that was missing was on a life ins cheque. Patricia dropped a note inside to High Bradford that I’d like to increase my insurance. After my talk with Cam Cavasso this summer, I can see the wisdom in his council. And I was thinking how little is written to my children. Sophia is 1 1/2 Rebekah is 6, Jonathan is 3 and Jacob is 8 (and doe II is about to whelp). 

Sophia loves to dance. Although you can’t “talk” yet, you will take a hand, and put it where you want it to be. “Pet doe” or “dance” or “draw with a pencil around my foot.” If you don’t get what you want from mom or dad you will try someone else. Rebekah is usually “tuned in” and will get you what you want. Jonathan is quite concerned that you don’t know how to hold a book the right way up yet, but you turn pages like a pro. 

Rebekah loves artistry. You have made me numerous papers cards and bookmarks with “I love you daddy” in your own hand. You spend time colouring in your Bible colour book and readily share space with Aliah and Janice when they come over. I appreciate your tenderness to your family and friends.

I call Jonathan “Mr. Justice.” You have an acute sense of fair/ unfair practices (especially against you). You are a bomb of happiness when everything is O.K. and people love you for it. You are showing the creativity of your big brother in drawing, constructing and generally making “things” for various applications out of wood, paper, etc. 

I enjoy watching my children “create” even if I’m often tired or grumpy when you seek my approval. 

Jacob started it all. Your creativity is infectious to your siblings and cousins. You’ve built forts, caravans all sorts of vehicles. Last weekend you showed me it wasn’t all play by helping me at Eric McCooey’s barn. Sometimes I worry that I’ve taught you to be “too serious” about life, but then I see the pleasure you bring to other people and I think “maybe it’s a good balance.”

Just discovered this today in a box of memories dad kept. I am publishing it because it is mostly a letter written very much to us kids. I transcribed this diary entry as exact as possible, I only added paragraph breaks and bolded our names to make it easier to read, otherwise it is exactly as Dad wrote it. -jb

2 responses
a sweet reminder from beyond
What a 'snapshot' of a precious moment in life. Some of us can remember each of you at that 'stage in life'. "Maybe it's a good balance." Today, we can see both the hope and the truth in that short sentence. As much as humanly possible, each of you has found that balance. And balance is never static. Long may each of you continue to reflect 'balance' in the choices you make. Lots of love!