Peanut butter on pancakes and waffles

Dad was a father to many more kids than just us biological children. His love and acceptance helped shape many lives. Below are a couple tributes from a couple ladies who remember Dad as their father too... and they also remember learning how to put peanut butter on their pancakes and waffles! Us kids all had a good cry and then laugh thinking about his legacy... lots of love and peanut butter on pancakes!


RIP Roderick Beaton.. i can not express how upset i am that you have passed.. you were like a father to me from the moment i met you. you accepted me in to the beaton clan without a second thought, took me to the okanagan to your moms farm in the summer. 

you helped teach me right from wrong well being loving and patient with me.. you showed me to put peanut butter on my waffles and make homemade syrup. i remember going to ur house well u were at work making food leaving a mess with a note that said i love you and u never got mad. 

you where the camping dad and taught me how to hang a tarp and cook an apple pie on the bbq and hanging round the fire well u play your mandolin and sing your funny songs. i loved your baking and i hope one day my rhubarb crisp will be as good as your was. i love you roderick and i always will! thank you for being apart of my life and helping me become the person i am today. 

Rip my friend and father xoxo
- Kayla


Dear Jacob,

I was very sad to learn about your dad, and I’m really, really sorry. I have very fond memories of your dad. The two times I came to visit you and your family he made me feel so welcome and treated me as part of the family – I called him “dad” then because I genuinely felt at home because of his warmth and kindness.

I remember his amazing pancakes with peanut butter and maple syrup to which he treated us once when we all went camping together. I also remember how you all worked on a gingerbread house at Christmas, and how he made "Sex in a pan" for me on my birthday! I loved his music and his songs; I wrote the texts of some songs down because I liked them so much! Wasn’t there a song about a chicken in a yard? Gosh, I can still remember his voice after all these years. Also his poetry was very special. Do you remember the poem he wrote about us, I think he called it “First love”? Beautiful words. I think I might still have it, in one of my old diaries from back then.

He told me once that he didn’t write in his diary often, only on special occasions, but that he wrote about me. He was a very special man, and he gave me fatherly love at a time when I really needed it. He will always be in my heart, like all of you. I don’t know whether your siblings or your mum remember me, but I always enjoy catching a glimpse of their happy moments in the pictures you post. My heart goes out to all of you.

With all my love for you all,