Visited Dad and Marny's

Dad died on Thursday night. On Friday I headed over to the island to join my brother Jonathan, Rebekah joined later Friday and Sophia arrived Saturday night. Yesterday (Sunday) all four of us kids drove up to join Marny, on the anniversary of her and Dad's wedding, of all days.

Walking in one of the first things we saw was Dad's mandolin, laying on the chair as if waiting for him to walk in any minute, pick it up and sit down. We've all been in a haze since he died and yesterday was some more of the same as it felt like shuffling with a big lump in my throat from one memory to another. We all cried again but honestly after so much crying it became more of a slow stream of tears.

Friends of Dad and Marny were there and dropped by throughout the afternoon. Queen bee came by and brought extra chairs and a patio umbrella for the kids. We sat down on the deck dad built, under the wood beams he bought straight from the mill "to save a few bucks," enjoyed his lawn and garden and got down to the business of planning his funeral.

It turns out there is not much worse than trying to cope with a sudden, unexpected, untimely death of someone so dearly loved. We are truly blessed to be surrounded by loving family and friends. Dad was at peace in his last few years and we are all so happy that he and Marny found each other. It was comforting to be sitting beside Marny as we went through the rough sketch agenda we threw together and started planning a goodbye process that would honour Dad's spirit and memory.

At my request Marny brought out Dad's bible and us kids thumbed through Psalms and found our favourites. When we were little Dad and Mom would sing Psalms as we drove long distances in the car. Listening them sing while I looked at the stars through the window is one of my favourite childhood memories. At Dad and Marny's we sang together - all four kids - and this was one of my favourite moments of the day.

It is too bad that we only seem to all come together for weddings and funerals, but we're determined to make the best of this time together. Dad was a wonderful, incredibly loving being and we're going to do our best to remember him in the best ways this week. Thank you everyone for all your love - and support - it is helping to hold us up in this difficult time.


This is my old bike - which dad has kept operational since I was about 8

The daddy-wagon - which dad made for me many many years ago

The old truck that he loved so much

So much as he left it

One of the spaces he created and where we met on sunday to plan

His mandolin
7 responses
Thank you for sharing Jacob. I am so glad that your Dad was happy and married again. He was such a special person, tragically flawed but ever hopeful in his joy of cooking, playing music and singing, and seeking ways to make people comfortable. His home and backyard testify to the peace he found. What a great gregarious family he has that brought him so much pride. Love to you all!
My heart is so wrapped up with all of you and my tears would mingle with the rest if I could be there with you. Please KNOW that I AM there in my thoughts and prayers. I love all of you so much!!! HUGS xoxo
Jacob and family, I am so saddened by this news. I don't know what to say other than I am thinking of all of you, and your extended families. Roderick was such a nice man. I enjoyed and was happy to be hanging out in a "Beaton" gathering back when you all lived closer, how loving and connected you all are to each other. XO
thank you for sharing ... Beautiful words. I loved Roddy like an uncle and really appreciated reading this lovely tribute to him :)
Thank you Jacob for the sweet thoughts and memories of your Dad. My Dad and your Grandpa Bill worked together in the 60's & 70's at Eatons in Victoria. Your Dad and Uncle Brian lead our Worship Team at St. Phillips. I learned to play my guitar because of them both being so willing to share their knowledge and faith with me. I also joined the Christian Boys Brigade because your Dad was attending. Later on in life I too bought a mandolin and though I was never very good I still got a lot of joy playing it. I had a great visit with Iain in February when he came to visit my Dad and I for the day. Of course the highlight of the day was when he favoured us with a tune or two!
though I have never met you or any of your siblings I know you were his treasures. I am so sorry for your loss. I know it is immense.
Your Dad was such a gentle human. He married my Aunty Marny. I met him over the years at family functions, and then arranged the flowers for their Wedding. I got to know him on our journey that wedding weekend during trips to the wholesalers. I decided I liked him just fine. A few years later they travelled to Alberta, now almost 5 years ago, took part in my ceremony and spoke at my wedding. At the reception, he told stories and entertained the children, keeping them interested and involved in the tales. We've chatted about gardening, renovations and sometimes on potential visits back to the island... That never happened. I think the best thing I liked about your Dad (and there are lots to choose from) was his gentle, thoughtful and open heart. The way he treated my Marny spoke volumes. The happiness in her eyes was hard not to see. I am so sorry for the loss of his beautiful spirit, ever so grateful he was a part of our family and such a good man to all he touched.